Plant mix sided by lemon thyme [left] and lemon balm [right] / Mix de plantas ladeado por tomilho limão [esquerda] e cidreira [direita]
I've been building an urban herb garden, which gives me the possibility to use my own fresh herbs, instead of having the shelves full of jars and ending up not using half of them. It also makes a balcony or a section of a garden prettier. Besides, the mix of fragrances brings a cozy sense of homeness which brings me back in time and inevitably makes me smile.
And I find the whole process entertaining: watering, watching everything grow, using it, giving some to the family, despairing when the herbs look more dead than alive...
The ones in the photos are just an example of herbs I find useful to have at hand. Lemon balm is a classic for tea, but I also love it in ice cream. Lemon thyme and roasted potatoes, for instance, are wonderful together. Funnily enough, I still don't have one of my must-haves: parsley. I need to fix that this weekend.
Herbs I most definitely will NOT grow in my garden? Easy: coriander. Is it the heavy smell? Is it the taste? In my case, it's absolutely everything. So if you're planning to invite me down for dinner, now you know.
Which plants/herbs can't you live without? And which do you avoid at all costs?
E acho que todo o processo é uma fonte de entretenimento: regar, ver tudo a crescer, usar, dar à família, desesperar quando as ervas parecem mais mortas que vivas...
As das fotos são apenas um exemplo de ervas que acho úteis ter à mão. A cidreira é um clássico para o chá, mas também adoro em gelado. Já o tomilho limão e batatas assadas, por exemplo, são maravilhosos juntos. Curiosamente, ainda não tenho um dos meus must-haves: salsa. Preciso de tratar disso neste fim de semana.
Ervas que decididamente NÃO vou cultivar no meu jardim? Fácil: coentros. Será o cheiro intenso? Será o sabor? No meu caso é absolutamente tudo. Por isso se estás a planear convidar-me para jantar, agora já sabes.
Que plantas/ervas é que são indispensáveis para ti? E quais evitas a todo o custo?
Great idea! I live in a high-rise, so this would work for me.
ReplyDeleteWhat I always recommend is: never take steps longer than your legs. But if you do, don't worry too much and learn from it.
DeleteThis is probably my Urban herb garden version 9.0. I've made every mistake in the book [and I'm probably making others now: but at least these will be new ones!]: I sowed different seeds of plants in the same pot, forgetting they would all mix when I started watering; I sowed and planted herbs I didn't use and did not even have a decorative value for me, I sowed seeds and I later forgot what they were... You name it!
I love my urban herb garden--it's so easy to grow a few things, even if just on a windowsill. And everything tastes better if you grew it yourself! My favorite herb to grow is probably chives, since I like them in everything. Also parsley, because I always only want a few stems. Also thyme. Also...I guess I have a lot of favorites. :)
ReplyDeleteEheheheh I know what you mean - while I was taking a photo and thinking what I wanted to write about, I was "hmm.. I'll talk about rosemary... no, basil... :P
DeleteChives: what a great idea!
I am starting to grow basil, parsley and coriander (bought a starter kit of 3 types of seeds in a set)at my balcony, they started to show some live but I guess it is still long way to go until they are ready for harvest. Your herb garden looks marvelous.
ReplyDeleteParsley really grows like weed around here - fortunately, because it's quite inexpensive and I love to use it! Thank you for your visit!